Save The Water Pipe

Thousands of residents in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, are at risk of starvation due to the prolonged irrigation repairs by the River Basin Authority (BWS) that have left their fields without water, preventing them from farming. The situation is exacerbated by extended repair times in other districts, worsening the food crisis in the area.
Understanding the urgency of this issue, we propose creating an educational and entertaining game application to raise public awareness about the importance of irrigation for farmers. In the game, players act as farmers trying to fix irrigation pipe leaks through puzzles, aiming to inspire real action and prompt the government to expedite the repairs.
This irrigation pipe repair puzzle game is expected to effectively enhance public understanding and awareness of the irrigation problems in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, and help encourage prompt government action. The News

About Game

"Save the Water" is a game where you fix leaky irrigation pipes! Each level brings puzzles and challenges to keep water flowing through fields. As you play, you'll learn why saving water in farming is important. You'll fix broken pipes, manage water flow, and make sure all crops get their fair share – without wasting a drop!

Special Thanks

Assets courtesy of SproutLands by CupNooble such as Sprout Lands UI Pack and also Sprout Lands Asset Pack

KITE's Group Members

  • Yasmin Nuha Khoirunnisa as Game Designer
  • Hafiz Muhammad Kurniawan as Game Programmer
  • Kiagus Muhammad Efan Fitriyan as Game Artist
  • Jeanico Saputra as Game Designer

Final Exam Assignment Game Programming

Instructor - Anggina Primanita

Updated 23 days ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags2D, kite, Pixel Art, Top-Down
Average sessionA few seconds
LanguagesEnglish, Indonesian
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

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